Monday, May 7, 2012

great market trading trainings are FREE

If you are serious about learning Forex trading, there is lots of great and free webinars available on FXSTREET. Visit Highly recommended.

Sometimes just one sentence you hear or read can make a huge difference, will give you a new idea that can improve your trading.

Couple of additional thoughts:
1. I read a lot of books about trading; so many were not worth much, but I somehow never regret the time spent.

2. Majority of books focus on Entry. Why?

3. Majority of books present a (technical) trading method, but do not include equity curve of this method. Why?

4. While checking the internet materials look for ones from live traders, not trainers.

5. Trading is never ending learning process. I do not believe in significant short-cuts. In my opinion trainings and mentors can help, but not expect miracles. Thousends of hours with charts will be still needed.

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